
Residence Organ - includes Soundfiles

Residence Organ - more photos

Residence Organ Specification

Residence Organ Design Notes


Roger Brown House Organ - Specification

Manual 1 Stopt Diapason 8' 
Principal 4'
Fifteenth Manual 2' 
Nazard 2 2/3' 
Tierce 1 3/5'   
soundfile soundfile
Manual 2 Chimney Flute 8'   
Gemshorn 4' 
Recorder 2'   
soundfile soundfile
Pedal Bourdon 16'
Flute 8'  
soundfile (full chorus)
soundfile (full chorus)
Usual couplers (by pedal)
Mechanical key and stop action
Electric action to pedal

The specification seeks to provide the necessary inter/intra manual balance for the choral preludes, trio sonatas and preludes & fugues of J.S. Bach. This starts with the charming and effective contrasts between the 8' flutes but provides various levels of contrast as stops are added.

The provision of contrasting 4' principals allows differing chorus combinations especially where manuals are coupled and the instrument provides surprising colour for a tonal scheme without reeds.

The voicing is English in style and suits the relatively small room very well. 
See here  for additional notes on the style and aims of this organ.