
Residence Organ - includes Soundfiles

Residence Organ - more photos

Residence Organ Specification

Residence Organ Design Notes

House Organ

A pictorial overview - Page 1 

The organ was built in 1988 by Australian Pipe Organs Pty Ltd of Keysborough (Melbourne) Australia

Click any link below to listen to the residence organ.

Allein Gott in der Hoh sei Ehr BWV 664 - J.S. Bach
Cornet Voluntary - Walond
Flute piece - Hine
Concerto in A Min (1st Movt.) - Vivaldi/Bach
Sonata No.5 in C (Ist Movt) BWV 529A - Bach
Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend BWV 655b - J.S. Bach

Concerto in b after Meck (3rd Movt.) - J.G. Walther
Trunpet tune in D - Ross Salomon
Praeludium in F Major - Buxtehude
Church Sonata in F KV.244 - Mozart (arr. Fullard)
An Wasserflussen Babylon BWV653/3 - J.S. Bach
Variations - Ach du feiner Reiter - Scheidt
Sonata No.3 in D Minor (Ist Movt) BWV 527A - Bach
Prelude, from Prelude and Fugue in G BWV541 - J.S. Bach

Crucial to the success of the instrument has been the ability to place it in an environment with as much height, space and acoustic bloom as possible.Part of the project was the construction of a music room for the organ - most of which is clearly seen in this photograph.
The casework and stop knobs are based on an 18th century English style as is the general sound of the instrument. This moderate style of voicing is appropriate in a residence organ where extremes of style are not especially suitable