
Postludes 2011

Postludes 2012

Postludes 2013

Postludes 2014

Postludes 2015

Postludes 2016

Postludes 2017

Postludes 2018

Postludes 2019

Postludes 2020

Postludes 2021

Postludes 2022

Postludes 2023

Postludes 2024


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Postludes played at St George's East Ivanhoe 2014

The sound files listed below are not live service recordings due to obvious logistic difficulties. The performances are as recorded on the Thursday evening prior the service in question and are made using a Zoom H4 digital recorder.

For various reasons I shall not necessarily be personally playing the postlude every week during 2014 - the recordings this year will be only those postludes I personally play.
Comments on the recordings are very welcome - use the message facility or comment directly by email if you have my address.
The Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemass)
Allegro from Concerto No.1 Opus 4 - Handel
ogg mp3
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany
Wie schon leuchet der Morgenstein BWV 739 - J.S. Bach
ogg mp3
Seventh Sunday after Epiphany
Allein Gott in der Hoh sei Ehr BWV 664/2 - J.S. Bach
ogg mp3
Eighth Sunday after Epiphany
Wie schon leuchet der Morgenstein - Pachelbel
ogg mp3
Second Sunday in Lent
Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns vend BWV 655/2 - J.S.Bach
ogg mp3
Fourth Sunday in Lent
Praeludium in E Minor - Bruhns
ogg mp3
Palm Sunday
Valet will ich dir geben BWV 735 - J.S. Bach
ogg mp3
Easter Day
Sarabande for the morning of Easter - Howells
ogg mp3
Low Sunday
(Evensong) Allegro maestoso e vivace from Sonata No. 4 - Mendelssohn
ogg mp3
Third Sunday in Easter
Fugue, from Prelude and Fugue in G BWV 541 - J.S. Bach
ogg mp3
Fourth Sunday in Easter
Allegro maestoso e vivace and Fugue from Sonata 2 - Mendelssohn
ogg mp3
Sixth Sunday in Easter
Fantasia in G BWV 572 - J.S. Bach
ogg mp3
Marche in F on a theme of Handel - Guilmant
ogg mp3
Komm, heileger Geist BWV 651/2 - J.S. Bach
ogg mp3
First Sunday after Trinity (Corpus Christi)
Sinfonia from Cantata 29 - J.S. Bach (arr. Guilmant)
ogg mp3
Third Sunday after Trinity
Fugue in G Minor BWV 578 - J.S. Bach
ogg mp3
Fourth Sunday after Trinity
Prelude from Prelude and Fugue in B Minor BWV 544 - J.S. Bach
ogg mp3
Fifth Sunday after Trinity
Fugue from Prelude and Fugue in B Minor BWV 544 - J.S. Bach
ogg mp3
Seventh Sunday after Trinity
Chorale Improvisation, Lobe den Herren, O meine Seele - Karg-Elert (Opus 65 No.28)
ogg mp3
Mary Mother of Our Lord
Grand Choeur - Salome
ogg mp3
Tenth Sunday after Trinity
Toccata Heroique - Samuel Whitehead
ogg mp3
Twelfth Sunday after Trinity
Fugue in G BWV 577 - J.S. Bach
ogg mp3
Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity
Grand Choeur (G Major) - Salome
ogg mp3
Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity
Grand Choeur in D Opus 18 - Guilmant
ogg mp3
Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity
Prelude and Fugue in C Minor BWV 549 - J.S. Bach
ogg mp3
Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity
Allegro from Concerto in B Minor (after Meck) - J.G. Walther
ogg mp3
All Saints
Fugue from Prelude and Fugue in D BWV 532 - J.S. Bach
ogg mp3
Twenty Second Sunday after Trinity
Prelude from Prelude and Fugue in D BWV 532 - J.S. Bach
ogg mp3
First Sunday in Advent
Allegro from Sonata No. 5 in C BWV 529 - J.S. Bach
(Recording also includes the following Largo)
ogg mp3
Second Sunday in Advent
Allegro (Movt. 3) from Sonata No. 5 in C BWV 529 - J.S. Bach
ogg mp3
Fourth Sunday in Advent
Num komm, der Heiden Heiland BWV 659 - J.S. Bach
ogg mp3

If you have difficulty playing these recordings, the source files are here.